
: Surgery to remove part or all of the larynx is a partial or total laryngectomy. In either operation, the surgeon performs a tracheostomy, creating an opening called a stoma in the front of the neck. (The stoma may be temporary or permanent). Air enters and leaves the trachea and lungs through this opening. A tracheostomy tube, also called a trache ("trake") tube, keeps the new airway open. A partial laryngectomy preserves the voice. The surgeon removes only part of the voice box, just one vocal cord, part of a cord, or just the epiglottis, and the stoma is temporary. After a brief recovery period, the trache tube is removed, and the stoma closes up. The patient can then breathe and talk in the usual way. In some cases, however, the voice may be hoarse or weak. In a total laryngectomy, the whole voice box is removed, and the stoma is permanent. The patient, called a laryngectomee, breathes through the stoma. A laryngectomee must learn to talk in a new way.
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Excision of the larynx. [laryngo- + G. ektome, excision]
- horizontal l. SYN: partial l..
- partial l. incomplete resection of the larynx in which the supraglottic portion is removed preserving the vocal cords. SYN: horizontal l., supraglottic l..
- supraglottic l. SYN: partial l..

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lar·yn·gec·to·my -'jek-tə-mē n, pl -mies surgical removal of all or part of the larynx
lar·yn·gec·to·mized -tə-.mīzd adj

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surgical removal of the larynx in the treatment of laryngeal carcinoma. Postoperatively the patient breathes through a tracheostomy. Speech is lost following the operation but can be restored by teaching the patient to swallow air and then belch it in a controlled fashion. Alternatively, a battery-powered vibrating device can be held in the mouth or underneath the chin to produce speech (see electrolarynx). Speech can also be facilitated by a one-way valve surgically implanted between the tracheostomy and the upper oesophagus, allowing the patient to divert air into the throat. Partial laryngectomy conserves part of the larynx and allows patients to breathe and speak normally. However, it is only suitable for a few patients with small tumours.

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lar·yn·gec·to·my (lar″in-jekґtə-me) [laryng- + -ectomy] surgical removal of the larynx.

Medical dictionary. 2011.