
An increase in the number of platelets in the circulating blood. SYN: thrombocythemia. [thrombocyte + G. -osis, condition]

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throm·bo·cy·to·sis .thräm-bə-.sī-'tō-səs n, pl -to·ses -'tō-sēz increase and esp. abnormal increase in the number of blood platelets called also thrombocythemia

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an increase in the number of platelet in the blood. It may occur in a variety of diseases, including chronic infections, cancers, and certain blood diseases and is likely to cause an increased tendency to form blood clots within vessels (thrombosis).

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throm·bo·cy·to·sis (throm″bo-si-toґsis) an increase in the number of circulating platelets; called also thrombocythemia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.