
One of the digits of the feet. SYN: digitus pedis [TA], digits of foot. [A.S. ta]
- fourth t. [IV] [TA] fourth digit of foot. SYN: digitus (pedis) quartus [IV] [TA].
- great t. I [TA] the first digit of the foot. SYN: hallux [TA], digitus pedis primus I, hallex, hallus, pollex pedis, primary digit of foot.
- hammer t. permanent flexion at the midphalangeal joint of one or more of the toes.
- little t. [V] [TA] fifth digit of the foot. SYN: digitus (pedis) minimus [V] [TA], digitus (pedis) quintus [V].
- Morton t. a particular form of metatarsalgia caused by enlargement of the digital nerve. Cf.:Morton syndrome.
- painful t. SYN: hallux dolorosus.
- second t. [II] [TA] second digit of foot. SYN: digitus (pedis) secundus [II] [TA].
- stiff t. SYN: hallux rigidus.
- third t. [III] [TA] third digit of foot. SYN: digitus (pedis) tertius [III] [TA].
- webbed toes syndactyly involving the toes.
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tender on examination; tracheoesophageal; transesophageal echography; transferred nuclear Overhauser effect

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toe 'tō n one of the terminal members of a vertebrate's foot

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(to) 1. any of the five digits of the foot. See hallux, digitus secundus pedis, digitus tertius pedis, digitus quartus pedis, and digitus minimus pedis. 2. the anterior part of a horse's hoof.

Medical dictionary. 2011.