
1. A twisting or rotation of a part upon its long axis or on its mesentery; often associated with compromise of the blood supply. 2. Twisting of the cut end of an artery to arrest hemorrhage. 3. Rotation of the eye around its anteroposterior axis. SEE ALSO: intorsion, extorsion, dextrotorsion, levotorsion. [L. torsio, fr. torqueo, to twist]
- t. of appendage t. of testicular or epididymal appendix.
- extravaginal t. high t. above insertion of tunica vaginalis; tends to occur in neonatal period.
- intravaginal t. t. below insertion of tunica vaginalis, the most common type of testicular t.. See bell clapper deformity.
- perinatal t. tends to be extravaginal type.
- t. of testis rotation of spermatic cord producing ischemia of testis.
- t. of a tooth rotation of a tooth in its socket.

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tor·sion 'tȯr-shən n
1) the twisting of a bodily organ or part on its own axis <intestinal \torsion>
2) the twisting or wrenching of a body by the exertion of forces tending to turn one end or part about a longitudinal axis while the other is held fast or turned in the opposite direction also the state of being twisted
tor·sion·al 'tȯr-shnəl, -shən-əl adj

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twisting. Abnormal twisting of a testis within the scrotum or of a loop of bowel in the abdomen may impair blood and nerve supplies to these parts and cause severe damage.

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tor·sion (torґshən) [L. torsio, from torquēre to twist] 1. the act or process of twisting; turning or rotating about an axis. 2. a type of mechanical stress, whereby the external forces (load) twist an object about its axis. See also torque. 3. in ophthalmology, any rotation of the vertical corneal meridians; such movements are severely limited under normal conditions. See also extorsion and intorsion. Called also cyclorotation and wheel rotation.

Medical dictionary. 2011.