
1. A four-sided geometrical figure having no two sides parallel. 2. SYN: t. bone. [G. trapezion, a table or counter, a t., dim. of trapeza, a table, fr. tra- (= tetra-), four, + pous (pod-), foot]

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tra·pe·zi·um trə-'pē-zē-əm, tra- n, pl -zi·ums or -zia -zē-ə a bone in the distal row of the carpus at the base of the thumb called also greater multangular

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a bone of the wrist (see carpus). It articulates with the scaphoid bone behind, with the first metacarpal in front, and with the trapezoid and second metatarsal on either side.

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tra·pe·zi·um (trə-peґze-əm) [L., from Gr. trapezion] 1. an irregular four-sided figure. 2. os trapezium.

Medical dictionary. 2011.