
A bone on the medial (ulnar) side of the proximal row of the carpus, articulating with the lunate, pisiform, and hamate. SYN: os t. [TA], cubital bone, os pyramidale, os triangulare, pyramidal bone, pyramidale, three-cornered bone, t. bone. [L. triquetrus, three-cornered]

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tri·que·trum trī-'kwē-trəm n, pl tri·que·tra -trə TRIQUETRAL BONE

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a bone of the wrist (see carpus). It articulates with the ulna behind and with the pisiform, hamate, and lunate bones in the carpus.

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tri·que·trum (tri-kweґtrəm) [L.] three cornered; see os triquetrum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.