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tur·mer·ic 'tər-mə-rik also tu·mer·ic 't(y)ü-mə- n
1) an Indian perennial herb (Curcuma longa) of the ginger family with a large aromatic yellow rhizome
2) the cleaned, boiled, dried, and usu. ground rhizome of the turmeric plant used as a coloring agent, a condiment, or a stimulant
3) a yellow to reddish brown dyestuff obtained from turmeric

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tur·mer·ic (turґmər-ik) 1. Curcuma longa. 2. the rhizome of C. longa, which contains curcumin, an orange-yellow coloring principle, and several aromatic principles that give it a pepperlike and bitter taste; used as a coloring agent, chemical indicator, and condiment (as curry powder). Medicinally it is used for the treatment of dyspepsia and anorexia, and it has a wide variety of uses in traditional Chinese medicine, ayurveda, and folk medicine

Medical dictionary. 2011.