
Relating to the vagina or to any sheath. [Mod. L. vaginalis]

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va·gi·nal 'vaj-ən-əl,sometimes və-'jī-nəl adj
1) of, relating to, or resembling a vagina: THECAL <a \vaginal synovial membrane surrounding a tendon>
2 a) of, relating to, or affecting the genital vagina <\vaginal discharge> <\vaginal infection>
b) occurring through the birth canal <a \vaginal delivery> <a \vaginal birth>
va·gi·nal·ly adv
vaginal n a vaginal anatomical part (as a muscle)

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vag·i·nal (vajґĭ-nəl) 1. of the nature of a sheath; ensheathing. 2. pertaining to the vagina. 3. pertaining to the tunica vaginalis testis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.