
Bent or twisted inward toward the midline of the limb or body; modern accepted usage, particularly in orthopedics, erroneously transposes the meaning of valgus to v., as in genu varum (bow-leg). [Mod. L. bent inward, fr. L. knock-kneed]

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var·us 'var-əs, 'ver- adj
1) of, relating to, or being a deformity in which an anatomical part is turned inward toward the midline of the body to an abnormal degree <a \varus heel> <\varus angulation of the little toe> see CUBITUS VARUS, TALIPES VARUS compare GENU VALGUM, GENU VARUM
2) valgus (1) used esp. in orthopedics of the knee <changes spontaneously from the initial \varus (bowing) to a valgus position (knock-knee) at about age 2 to 3 (Joan M. Walker)>
varus n

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describing any deformity that displaces the distal end of a limb towards the midline. See bow-legs, club-foot, hallux varus. Compare valgus.

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va·rus (varґəs) [L. “knock-kneed”] bent or twisted inward; denoting a deformity in which the angulation of the part is toward the midline of the body. The term varus is an adjective and should be used only in connection with the noun it describes, such as talipes varus, genu varum, and coxa vara. The meanings of varus and valgus are often reversed, so that genu varum is bowleg, not knock-knee. Cf. valgus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.