
One whose diet is restricted to foods of vegetable origin, excluding primarily animal meats. Cf.:vegan.
- lacto- ovo-v. a v. who consumes dairy products and eggs but does not eat animal flesh.
- ovo-v. a v. who consumes eggs but does not consume dairy products nor animal flesh.
- semi-v. a v. who consumes dairy products, eggs, chicken, and fish, but does not consume other animal flesh.

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veg·e·tar·i·an .vej-ə-'ter-ē-ən n an individual who believes in or practices vegetarianism
vegetarian adj
1) of or relating to vegetarians
2) consisting wholly of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and sometimes eggs or dairy products <a \vegetarian diet>

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veg·e·tar·i·an (vej″ə-tarґe-ən) 1. one who practices vegetarianism. 2. pertaining to vegetarianism.

Medical dictionary. 2011.