
1. The fermented juice of the grape. SYN: vinous liquor. 2. A group of preparations consisting of a solution of one or more medicinal substances in w., usually white w. because of its comparative freedom from tannin. There are no official wines. [Fr. vin; L. vinum]
- high w. the strong spirit obtained by rectification or redistillation of low w. in making whisky.
- low w. the first weak distillate obtained from the mash in the process of making whisky.
- red w. claret, an alcoholic liquor made by fermenting grapes, the fruit of Vitis vinifera, with their skins (which imparts color); has been used as a tonic.
- sherry w. a w. of amber color, obtained originally from Jerez, Spain, containing about 20% alcohol; used in preparation of medicinal wines.

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wine 'wīn n
1) fermented grape juice containing varying percentages of alcohol together with ethers and esters that give it bouquet and flavor
2) a pharmaceutical preparation using wine as a vehicle

Medical dictionary. 2011.