
Heterologous, with respect to tissue grafts, especially when donor and recipient belong to widely separated species. SYN: xenogenic (2), xenogenous (2). [xeno- + G. -gen, producing]

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xe·no·ge·ne·ic .zen-ō-jə-'nē-ik, .zēn- also xe·no·gen·ic -'jen-ik adj derived from, originating in, or being a member of another species <\xenogeneic tissue> compare ALLOGENEIC, SYNGENEIC

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describing grafted tissue derived from a donor of a different species.

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xeno·ge·ne·ic (zen″o-jə-neґik) [xeno- + gennan to produce] in transplantation biology, denoting individuals from different species or tissues transplanted between species; called also heterogenic, heterogenous, and heterologous. See xenograft and see xenogeneic transplantation, under transplantation.

Medical dictionary. 2011.