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1. Pertaining to, derived from, or manifesting certain features of the bone marrow. 2. Sometimes used with reference to the spinal cord. 3. Pertaining to certain characteristics of myelocytic forms, but not necessarily implying origin in the bone marrow. [myel- + -oid]
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my·e·loid 'mī-ə-.lȯid adj
1) of or relating to the spinal cord
2) of, relating to, or resembling bone marrow
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1. like, derived from, or relating to bone marrow.
2. resembling a myelocyte.
3. relating to the spinal cord.
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my·eloid (miґə-loid) [myelo- + -oid] 1. resembling bone marrow. 2. having the appearance of myelocytes, but not derived from bone marrow. 3. medullary (def. 2). 4. medullary (def. 3).Medical dictionary. 2011.