
Pertaining to the newborn period which, by convention, is the first four weeks after birth.
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Relating to the period immediately succeeding birth and continuing through the first 28 days of extrauterine life. SYN: newborn. [neo- + L. natalis, relating to birth]

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neo·na·tal .nē-ō-'nāt-əl adj of, relating to, or affecting the newborn and esp. the human infant during the first month after birth <\neonatal jaundice> <\neonatal death> compare PRENATAL, INTRANATAL, POSTNATAL
neo·na·tal·ly -əl-ē adv

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neo·na·tal (ne″o-naґtəl) [neo- + natal (def. 1)] pertaining to the first four weeks after birth.

Medical dictionary. 2011.