
A series of muscle contractions in the genital accompanied by sudden release of endorphins. Orgasm normally accompanies male ejaculation as a result of sexual stimulation, and also occurs in females likewise as a result of sexual stimulation.
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The acme of the sexual act. SYN: climax (2). [G. orgao, to swell, be excited]

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or·gasm 'ȯr-.gaz-əm n the climax of sexual excitement that is usu. accompanied by ejaculation of semen in the male and by vaginal contractions in the female
or·gas·mic ȯr-'gaz-mik also or·gas·tic -'gas-tik adj
orgasm vi to experience an orgasm <able to \orgasm during intercourse (Shere Hite)>

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the climax of sexual excitement, which - in men - occurs simultaneously with ejaculation. In women its occurrence is much more variable, being dependent upon a number of physiological and psychological factors.

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or·gasm (orґgaz-əm) [Gr. orgasmos swelling, or organ to swell, to be lustful] the apex and culmination of sexual excitement.

Medical dictionary. 2011.