
The word "apposition" has several senses including the act of adding or accretion and also the putting of things in juxtaposition, or side by side. Growth by apposition is a mode of growth that is characteristic of many tissues in the body by which nutritive matter from the blood is transformed on the surface of an organ into solid unorganized substance. To lose a pair of apposed teeth is to lose teeth that are next to one another, teeth that are juxtaposed. (The prefix "juxta-" comes from the Latin preposition meaning near, nearby, close). Apposition is thus synonymous in this sense with juxtaposition.
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1. The placing in contact of two substances. 2. The condition of being placed or fitted together. 3. The relationship of fracture fragments to one another. 4. The process of thickening of the cell wall. [L. ap-pono, pp. -positus, to place at or to]
- bayonet a. relationship of two fracture fragments that lie next to each other rather than in end-to-end contact.

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ap·po·si·tion .ap-ə-'zish-ən n
1) the placing of things in juxtaposition or proximity specif deposition of successive layers upon those already present (as in cell walls) compare ACCRETION, INTUSSUSCEPTION (2)
2) the state of being in juxtaposition or proximity (as in the drawing together of cut edges of tissue in healing)
ap·pose a-'pōz vt, ap·posed; ap·pos·ing
ap·po·si·tion·al .ap-ə-'zish-nəl, -ən-əl adj

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the state of two structures, such as parts of the body, being in close contact. For example, the fingers are brought into apposition when the fist is clenched, and the eyelids when the eyes are closed.

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ap·po·si·tion (ap″ə-zishґən) [L. appositio] the placing of things next to each other; specifically, the deposition of successive layers upon those already present, as in cell walls. Called also juxtaposition.

Medical dictionary. 2011.