
With the accent on the first syllable (reg as in Reggie Jackson), a regimen is a plan, a regulated course such as a diet, exercise or treatment, designed to give a good result. A low-salt diet is a regimen.
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A program, including drugs, which regulates aspects of one's lifestyle for a hygienic or therapeutic purpose; a program of treatment; sometimes mistakenly called regime. [L. direction, rule]

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reg·i·men 'rej-ə-mənalso 'rezh-ə- n a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication) esp. when designed to improve and maintain the health of a patient

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(in therapeutics) a prescribed systematic form of treatment, such as a diet, course of drugs, or special exercises, for curing disease or improving health.

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reg·i·men (rejґĭ-mən) [L. “guidance”] a strictly regulated scheme of medication, diet, exercise, or other activity designed to achieve certain ends. See also method, technique, therapy, and treatment.

Medical dictionary. 2011.