
A backward flowing. For example, of food. Or the sloshing of blood back into the heart (or between chambers of the heart) when a heart valve is incompetent and does not close effectively.
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1. A backward flow, as of blood through an incompetent valve of the heart. 2. The return of gas or small amounts of food from the stomach. [L. regurgitatio (see regurgitate)]
- aortic r. reflux of blood through an incompetent aortic valve into the left ventricle during ventricular diastole. SYN: Corrigan disease.
- ischemic mitral r. a r. of the mitral valve caused by ischemic heart disease.
- mitral r. reflux of blood through an incompetent mitral valve.
- pulmonic r. incompetence of the pulmonic valve permitting retrograde flow.
- valvular r. a leaky state of one or more of the cardiac valves, the valve not closing tightly and blood therefore regurgitating through it. SYN: valvular incompetence, valvular insufficiency.

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re·gur·gi·ta·tion (.)rē-.gər-jə-'tā-shən n an act of regurgitating esp the backward flow of blood through a defective heart valve see AORTIC REGURGITATION

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1. the bringing up of undigested material from the stomach to the mouth (see vomiting).
2. the flowing back of a liquid in a direction opposite to the normal one, as when blood surges back through a defective valve in the heart after the heart has contracted.

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re·gur·gi·ta·tion (re-gur″jĭ-taґshən) [re- + L. gurgitare to flood] 1. flow in the opposite direction from normal, as the backward flowing of blood into the heart or between heart chambers. See also reflux. 2. movement of undigested or partially digested food upward through the esophagus; see also vomiting and rumination.

Medical dictionary. 2011.