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SYN: serovar.
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se·ro·type 'sir-ə-.tīp, 'ser- n
1) a group of intimately related microorganisms distinguished by a common set of antigens
2) the set of antigens characteristic of a serotype
se·ro·typ·ic .sir-ə-'tip-ik adj
se·ro·typ·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
serotype vt, -typed; -typ·ing to determine the serotype of <\serotype streptococci> <serotyped isolates from 100 patients>
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a category into which material is placed based on its serological activity, particularly in terms of the antigens it contains or the antibodies that may be produced against it. Thus bacteria of the same species may be subdivided into serotypes that produce slightly different antigens. The serotype of an infective organism is important when treatment or prophylaxis with a vaccine is being considered.
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se·ro·type (sērґo-tīp″) 1. the type of a microorganism as determined by the kinds and combinations of constituent antigens present in the cell. 2. serovar. 3. to distinguish organisms on the basis of their constituent antigens.Medical dictionary. 2011.