
A non-aspirin analgesic, acetaminophen may be given alone to relieve pain and inflammation. It may also be combined with other drugs, as in the migraine medication fioricet, which contains
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An antipyretic and analgesic, with potency similar to aspirin. SYN: paracetamol.

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acet·amin·o·phen ə-.sēt-ə-'min-ə-fən, .as-ət- n a crystalline compound C8H9NO2 that is a hydroxy derivative of acetanilide and is used in chemical synthesis and in medicine instead of aspirin to relieve pain and fever called also paracetamol see liquiprin, panadol, TYLENOL

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see paracetamol

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ace·ta·min·o·phen (ə-se″tə-minґə-fen) [USP] the amide of acetic acid and p-aminophenol, having analgesic and antipyretic effects similar to aspirin's but only weak antiinflammatory effects. Administered orally and rectally. Called also paracetamol.

Medical dictionary. 2011.