
Relating to therapeutics, that part of medicine concerned specifically with the treatment of disease. The therapeutic dose of a drug is the amount needed to treat a disease. Something that is therapeutic is good for the individual. It is often healthy. For example, a diet high in fiber is therapeutic. And meditation may be therapeutic. (I find writing poetry every morning therapeutic.)
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Relating to therapeutics or to the treatment, remediating, or curing of a disorder or disease. [G. therapeutikos]

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ther·a·peu·tic -'pyüt-ik adj
1) of or relating to the treatment of disease or disorders by remedial agents or methods <a \therapeutic rather than a diagnostic specialty>
2) CURATIVE, MEDICINAL <\therapeutic activity of a drug> <\therapeutic diets>
ther·a·peu·ti·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv

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ther·a·peu·tic (ther″ə-puґtik) [Gr. therapeutikos inclined to serve] 1. pertaining to therapeutics or to therapy. 2. curative.

Medical dictionary. 2011.