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- alkaline t. blue O t. blue O in borax solution, used with heat on semithick sections of epoxy embedded tissues.
- t. blue O [C.I. 52040] a blue basic dye, used as an antibacterial agent, as a nuclear stain, and to stain metachromatically certain structures ( e.g., the granules in mast cells which are believed to contain heparin and cartilage matrix which is rich in chondroitin sulfate), and in electrophoresis to stain RNA, RNase, and mucopolysaccharides; it also antagonizes the anticoagulant action of heparin. SEE ALSO: tolonium chloride.
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to·lu·idine tə-'lü-ə-.dēn n any of three isomeric amino derivatives of toluene C7H9N that are analogous to aniline and are used as dye intermediates
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tol·u·i·dine (tol-uґĭ-din) a compound homologous with aniline, made by reducing nitrotoluene; used in dyemaking and chemical manufacturing. It has several different isomers, all of which are toxic if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. Called also aminotoluene.Medical dictionary. 2011.