
pancreatic juice
pancreatic juice n a clear alkaline secretion of pancreatic enzymes (as trypsin and lipase) that flows into the duodenum and acts on food already acted on by the gastric juice and saliva

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the digestive juice secreted by the pancreas. Its production is stimulated by hormones secreted by the duodenum, which in turn is stimulated by contact with food from the stomach. If the duodenum produces the hormone secretin the pancreatic juice contains a large amount of sodium bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acidity of the stomach contents. Another hormone (see cholecystokinin) stimulates the production of a juice rich in digestive enzymes, including trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen (which are converted to trypsin and chymotrypsin in the duodenum), amylase, lipase, and maltase.

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the enzyme-containing liquid secretion of the exocrine pancreas, which is discharged into the duodenum.

Medical dictionary. 2011.