
A compound used mainly for dyeing textiles and paper that is a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing agent). Benzidine was one of the first chemicals for which an association of occupational exposure and increased incidence of urinary bladder cancer in humans was reported.
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A colorless, crystalline compound used to detect sulfates in water analysis, for the identification of blood, and as a reagent in special stains; because it has been identified as a carcinogen, its current use is limited.

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ben·zi·dine 'ben-zə-.dēn n a crystalline base C12H12N2 used esp. in making dyes and in a test for blood

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ben·zi·dine (benґzĭ-dēn) a colorless, crystalline arylamine compound formed by the action of acids on hydrazobenzene; once widely used in testing for occult blood, its use is now limited because it is a carcinogen and is toxic if absorbed through the skin, ingested, or inhaled. Called also p-diaminodiphenyl>.

Medical dictionary. 2011.