
1. To take in by absorption. 2. To reduce the intensity of transmitted light. [L. ab-sorbeo, pp. -sorptus, to suck in]

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ab·sorb əb-'sȯ(ə)rb, -'zȯ(ə)rb vt
1) to take up esp. by capillary, osmotic, solvent, or chemical action <surgical sutures which can be \absorbed by the body> <the blood in the lungs \absorbs oxygen>
2) to transform (radiant energy) into a different form usu. with a resulting rise in temperature <chlorophyll reflects green light and \absorbs the other colors of light>
ab·sorb·able əb-'sȯr-bə-bəl, -'zȯr- adj
ab·sorb·er n

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ab·sorb (ab-sorbґ) [L. absorbēre] 1. to take in or assimilate, as to take up substances into or across tissues, e.g., the skin, intestine, or renal tubules. 2. to react with radiation energy so as to attenuate it. 3. to retain specific wavelengths of radiation incident upon a substance, either increasing its temperature or changing the energy state of its molecules.

Medical dictionary. 2011.