
A way or means of approach or admittance. In dentistry : 1. The space required for visualization and for manipulation of instruments to remove decay and prepare a tooth for restoration. 2. The opening in the crown of a tooth required to allow adequate admittance to the pulp space to clean, shape, and seal the root canal(s). SYN: a. opening. [L. accessus]
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A Comparison of Percutaneous Entry Sites for Coronary Angioplasty; Acute Candesartan Cilexetil Evaluation in Stroke Survivors; Ambulatory Care Clinic Effectiveness Systems Study; Atorvastatin Comparative Cholesterol Efficacy and Safety Study; automated cervical cell screening system

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ac·cess (akґses) [L. accessus, past part. of accedere to approach] a means of approaching something.

Medical dictionary. 2011.