
Having two flaps or cusps. The heart valve that is called the bicuspid valve is located between the left atrium and left ventricle. Although the aortic valve in the heart normally is tricuspid (with three cusps), it may sometimes be bicupid.
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1. Having two points, prongs, or cusps. 2. Teeth having two cusps. Humans have eight b. or premolar teeth : two in front of each group of molars. See b. tooth. [bi- + L. cuspis, point]
- b. aortic valve See familial aortic ectasia syndrome.

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bi·cus·pid (')bī-'kəs-pəd adj having or ending in two points <\bicuspid teeth>
bicuspid n either of the two double-pointed teeth that in humans are situated between the canines and the molars on each side of each jaw: PREMOLAR (1)

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1. adj. having two cusp, as in the premolar teeth and the mitral valve of the heart.
2. n. (in the USA) a premolar tooth.

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bi·cus·pid (bi-kusґpid) [bi- + cuspid] 1. having two cusps or points. 2. (pl.) premolar teeth.

Medical dictionary. 2011.