1. Colorless. 2. Not staining readily. 3. Refracting light without chromatic aberration. [G. a- priv. + chroma, color]
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ach·ro·mat·ic .ak-rə-'mat-ik adj
1) refracting light without dispersing it into its constituent colors: giving images practically free from extraneous colors <an \achromatic telescope>
2) not readily colored by the usual staining agents
3) possessing or involving no hue: being or involving only black, gray, or white <\achromatic visual sensations> <\achromatic light stimuli>
ach·ro·mat·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
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without colour.
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achro·mat·ic (ak″ro-matґik) [a-1 + chromatic] 1. staining with difficulty. 2. refracting light without decomposing it into its component colors. 3. colorless. 4. monochromatic (def. 2).Medical dictionary. 2011.