
A person who makes a living from domain name speculation or by purchasing popular domain names and filling the sites with advertising.
Example Citations:
A single good domain name — Candy.com, Cellphones.com, Athletesfoot.com — can bring in hundreds of dollars a day, in some cases while the owner hardly lifts a finger. Schwartz, for instance, directs his traffic to one of the many small companies that serve as go-betweens with Google and Yahoo, the two giants that make this all possible. The middlemen, known as aggregators, do all the heavy lifting, designing the sites and tapping into one or the other of the search engines’ advertising networks to add the best-paying links. Many other big domainers cut out the middlemen, creating their own webpages and working directly with Google or Yahoo.
— Paul Sloan, "Masters of Their Domains," Business 2.0, November 18, 2005
For the first time in history, the owners of the Internet's most valuable virtual "real estate" will gather in October to discuss building site traffic and other business development strategies. "Domainers" who collectively own millions of dotcom addresses will be coming from Europe, the Pacific Rim and throughout the United States for T.R.A.F.F.I.C. 2004 - an innovative four-day conference presented October 20-23, 2004 at the Delray Beach Marriott Resort in Delray Beach, Florida, by the World Association of Domain Name Developers, Inc.
— "Internet Domain Owners to Converge on Florida for First Worldwide Traffic-Building Conference," Busines Wire, September 20, 2004
Earliest Citation:
1. Do you own your own domain?
-yeah 560 of them — im actually a domainer.
— sohail, "Other ways to make money," geek/talk, March 26, 2001
Related Words:
type-in traffic

New words. 2013.