
emotional correctness
Feelings or sentiments deemed to be socially acceptable.
Example Citation:
Just as there's hope that political correctness might at last be running its course, permitting Americans once more to trade 'farmer's daughter' jokes and 'Amos 'n' Andy' videos on the open market, along comes an even more oppressive phenomenon to suck the humor out of life:
Emotional correctness.
Under the new and terrorizing code of e.c., Americans risk complete banishment from polite society if they do not wholeheartedly join in each national day of mourning or celebration as decreed by the media."
—Frank Rich, "Feel Warm and Fuzzy — Or Else," The New York Times, November 29, 1997
Earliest Citation:
Let's ask this last question of the marchers who would like to see Lewis drummed out of the telethon: Just who is going to keep this cash machine going? Who is going to stand on that stage for 21 1/2 hours, maintain emotional correctness, never indulge in cashable pity, and still pull in $80 million for muscular dystrophy?
—Robert A. Jones, "Jerry's Kids: It's a Pity, But It Works," Los Angeles Times, September 4, 1991
Related Words:
amygdala hijack
culture of confession
diversity fatigue
emotional labor
equity education
foodcourt multiculturalism
theme dormitory

New words. 2013.