
Generation 9-11
The generation of people who were enrolled in high school or university on September 11, 2001.
Example Citation:
"After the deadliest attack on American soil in the history of the republic, the generation that previously seemed directionless and without a fitting title now had one — Generation 9/11. 'After Sept. 11, there was a definite change,' said Luke Punzenberger, president of Marquette University Student Government. 'It's something I can't put my finger on. You walk down campus and it just feels different."
— Adam S. Kirby, "From ashes of tragedy comes Generation 9/11," The Marquette Tribune, November 16, 2001
Earliest Citation:
"Among the speakers was U.S. Rep. Ernie Fletcher, a former U.S. Air Force pilot. He spoke of young soldiers fighting in today's crisis, and the lessons they could learn from those seated before him.
'Generation 9-11 can learn ... from your profound sense of duty and honor, and your spirit of selfless service — the significance (of which) we are only now beginning to heartily embrace,' he said."
— Laura Yuen, "Remembering Sacrifice, Honoring Duty," The Lexington Herald Leader, November 11, 2001
Non-demographers are always arguing over the composition of demographic groups such as the Baby Boom and Generation X. If the Generation 9-11 label sticks, I'm sure people will argue over who is in this group, as well. As an opening salvo, I'm going to say that it consists of everyone born between 1978 and 1987.
Today's phrase appears to have been coined by whatever Newsweek editor decided to title that magazine's November 12 cover story, "Generation 9-11." There are citations in the media prior to November 12, but they're all discussing the forthcoming Newsweek article. I did manage to find four articles that used Generation 9-11 (or Generation 9/11) without referencing the Newsweek piece, so it's possible that this label may have some longevity. (Unlike previous attempts such as Generation Y and Generation D.)
Related Words:
1.5 generation
13th generation
Bull Market Babies
Generation D
generation lap
Generation O
Generation XL
generation Y
Millennial Generation
nexus generation
no planer
reset generation
sandwich generation
so September 10
therapy generation

New words. 2013.