
A former lesbian who is now in a heterosexual relationship.
Example Citations:
Say that you'd only just got used to telling your friends your daughter was a lesbian and do not relish having to inform them that she is now a hasbian.
— "Dear Dawn," The Dominion, November 20, 1995
Evelyn White reports that in feminist circles, lesbians who have gone straight — apparently all the rage these days — are known as 'hasbians.'
— Herb Caen, "Plenty of Monday," The San Francisco Chronicle, March 12, 1990
Earliest Citation:
—Patricia Roth Schwartz, "On the Hasbian Phenomenon," off our backs, June 1, 1989
This word appears to be a play on the phrase has-been, a person who was once important or popular but is now largely forgotten. Given such a less-than-flattering association, can there be any doubt that this word was coined by women who are still lesbians?
UPDATE: The earliest citation (provided with thanks by Word Crafter) is from a footnote in the book Sex and Sensibility: http://books.google.com/books?id=VZOIs-ZPd7MC&pg=PA228&sig=eKJUQMvUKq7eGJ91rbW1okW4CgY&dq=hasbian+, by Arlene Stein, published in 1997.
A much rarer synonym for this term is wasbian (see also wasband):
"On the island she will meet up with her pal Mary Sharon (a slightly subdued, slightly aging radical-feminist-lesbian attorney), Teddie (ex-love of Rachel and only slightly less-true-believer), Rachel (who's hosting the reunion on her tiny island), Grace (enigma extraordinaire), and Julie (ex of Tyler's, now a 'wasbian')."
— Beren De Motier, "Mystery Forum," The Lesbian Review of Books, October 31, 1999
Related Words:
breeder voyeur
Brokeback marriage
gayby boom
late-breaking gay
lipstick lesbian
same-sex person
Gay and Lesbian

New words. 2013.