
Relating to or characterised by the graphic depiction of killing or violence, particularly in a video game (cf. pornographic).
Example Citations:
Do videogames have a politics? I ask this considering the many senses of the word, in light of an editorial from the site GamesFirst! that Slashdot linked to. The editorial assailed the mainstream gaming press for its absence at the National Summit on Video Games, Youth and Public Policy sponsored by Iowa State University and the National Institute on Media and the Family.
I'm not sure what the author, Aaron Stanton, actually takes offense with. It strikes me as nonsensical for gaming outlets — even those with lavish expense accounts — to send reporters to an event sponsored by an organization whose founder cleverly devised the neologism "killographic" (like pornographic) in reference to video games.
—Matt Buchanan, "Players will decide what kind of politics video games have," Washington Square News, October 31, 2006
But concerned clinicians are defined as moral maniacs, the fearful as fanatics, relevant research is relegated to the inconclusive category and parental protest subdued. The media moment passes. The "killographic" games continue. The industry returns to profit making. Society pays.
—"Are we game for anything?," Irish Times, August 2, 2005
Earliest Citation:
David Walsh, Ph.D., president and founder of the National Institute on Media and the Family, presented the Eighth Annual MediaWise Video Game Report Card with Senator Joe Lieberman, Senator Herb Kohl and Congresswoman Betty McCollum. Nationally syndicated columnist Steven Kent also spoke on the report card's significance.
"The results of our student survey are alarming," Dr. Walsh said. "The survey finds boys are not only playing M-rated video games, but are playing them for greater amounts of time without their parents' knowledge. Children's access to these "killographic" games, parents' lack of knowledge of ratings, and kid's game-playing habits, are all major contributors to the increase in casual violence and the culture of disrespect among our children."
—"National Institute on Media and the Family: Video Game Playing Leading Factor in Kids Public Health Issues," Business Wire, December 8, 2003
Related Words:
first-person shooter
LAN party

New words. 2013.