
To ride a bicycle against the flow of traffic. Also: bike salmon, salmon bike.
salmoning pp.
salmon n.
Example Citations:
I am not anarchic; I heed most traffic laws. I do not ride on the sidewalk (O.K., except for the final 25 feet between the curb cut and my front door, and then with caution). I do not salmon, i.e. ride against traffic.
—Randy Cohen, " If Kant Were a New York Cyclist: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/05/opinion/sunday/if-kant-were-a-new-york-cyclist.html," The New York Times, August 4, 2012
And inevitably, many cyclists welcomed the battle, returning fire on the same terms. They paste their bikes with self-
congratulatory stickers, brazenly "salmon" against oncoming traffic, flip birds and bang hoods.
—John Barber, " In the aftermath of tragedy, once more unto the breach: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-to/in-the-aftermath-of-tragedy-once-more-unto-the-breach/article2234244/," The Globe and Mail, November 11, 2011
Earliest Citation:
In the meantime, though, salmoning is rampant...Just this morning in fact I had a salmon encounter that incorporated so many infuriating elements I might have very well attempted to flog myself to death with my own fenders had I been palping them.
—Eben Weiss, " Smoked salmon: Lock Your Bike, Don't Lox It: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.ca/2009/05/smoked-salmon-lock-your-bike- dont-lox.html," Bike Snob NYC, May 13, 2009
Notes: Related Words:
competitive commuting
contraflow lane
Idaho stop
Lycra lout
Verbed Nouns

New words. 2013.