
A video, usually taken inside a crowded location such as a shopping mall, that is shot up a woman's skirt. Also, an adjective that describes the Web sites devoted to these videos.
Example Citation:
"What began as a small photo gallery on the Internet a couple of years ago has rapidly expanded to more than 40 such 'Upskirt' sites...said Duquette, who has been tracking the trend....The most popular method, he said, is concealing a small video camera in a shoulder bag, with the lens pointing out of the top. The bag is either dangled under a woman's skirt or set on the ground next to her....'Mall upskirts can be a pain to get!' someone identified only as 'Willie' recently wrote on the Internet."
— Patricia Davis, "Video Peeping Toms Seeing More Trouble," The Washington Post

New words. 2013.