
A high-school yearbook on CD-ROM.
Example Citation:
Consider the high school yearbook: bulky, linear, pricey. Now consider the yeardisc: sleek, interactive, relatively cheap.
—Nathan Cobb, "Students go digital with yeardisc," The Boston Globe, May 30, 1996
Earliest Citation:
If Albert Lai's computer project is any indication, the time-honored tradition of signing high school yearbooks could soon go the way of the slide rule.
Lai and three classmates at North York's Earl Haig Collegiate have produced a CD-ROM yearbook — they call it a Yeardisc — that talks and moves, sings and struts.
—"Students yearbook a CD-ROM," The Toronto Star, June 21, 1995
Related Words:
memory book
wow, i can't believe you captured this on the web! esp. given the article and "invention" was considered to be mostly "pre-web."
Where did you find the Toronto Star reference?Great to hear from you, Albert! Lexis-Nexis archives newspaper articles (including the Toronto Star) going back to the 1980s.

New words. 2013.