
Wikipedia kid
A student who has poor research skills and lacks the ability to think critically.
Example Citations:
As an English professor at Algonquin College in Ottawa, I was very impressed by the report's neologism: "Wikipedia kids." Too many graduates of Ontario's high schools know how to cut and paste, but have learnt little about cross-referencing and taking time to read, think and incorporate what they've read into a wider scheme of knowledge
—Nathan Greenfield, " View from here — Shopping and schools don't mix: http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=6014006," The Times Educational Supplement, May 22, 2009
Pressure from Queen's Park to increase high school graduation rates has led to a generation of "Wikipedia kids" who are not prepared for university, a survey of professors and librarians has concluded.
Students are immature, they rely too heavily on Internet tools such as Wikipedia as research sources, they fail to learn independently and they expect success without putting in the effort.
—Joanne Laucius, " 'Wikipedia kids' ill-prepared for university, professors say: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/News/Wikipedia+kids+prepared+university+professors/1475624/story.html," Ottawa Citizen, April 8, 2009
Earliest Citation:
First-year students are less prepared for university education than students from just three years earlier, according to over 55 percent of Ontario university faculty and librarians who responded to a recent questionnaire.
—" Students less prepared for university education than in 2005, according to Ontario university faculty: Wikipedia kids less mature and lacking required skills: http://notes.ocufa.on.ca/OCUFApress.nsf/A97A540CA9EEC6D6852573B00053F099/DA2506597AEEBA378525759000497B01?OpenDocument," Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, April 6, 2009
Related Words:
free-range kid
hurried child syndrome
pancake people
parachute kids
social promotion
summer slide

New words. 2013.