
black-hole resort
A resort that blocks all incoming and outgoing Internet signals. Also: black hole resort.
Example Citations:
Around the same time, I noticed that those who part with $2,285 a night to stay in a cliff-top room at the Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur pay partly for the privilege of not having a TV in their rooms; the future of travel, I'm reliably told, lies in "black-hole resorts," which charge high prices precisely because you can't get online in their rooms.
—Pico Iyer, " The Joy of Quiet: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/01/opinion/sunday/the-joy-of-quiet.html," The New York Times, December 29, 2011
Maybe you've heard of the latest luxury gimmick of the 21st century. It's called the "black hole resort." The deal is this: You check into this resort to get away from the Internet, television and the telephone—and you pay extra for the privilege.
—Phil Hudgins, " Advice from oldtimer: unplug TV, stay home, save thousands: http://www.yourdailyjournal.com/view/full_story_home/17081170/article-Advice-from-oldtimer--unplug-TV--stay-home--save-thousands," Richmond County Daily Journal, January 12, 2012
Earliest Citation:
The greatest luxury of the 21st century will be dropping off the grid. Black-hole resorts will be notable for the total absence of the Internet—even their walls will be impervious to wireless signals.
—Nilou Motamed, " Resorts, Unplugged: http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/the-future-of-travel/3," Travel + Leisure, September 24, 2011
Notes: Related Words:
dark-sky preserve
data fast
news fasting
off the grid
voluntary simplicity
Slowing Down
Travel and Tourism
It does occur to me that one could achieve the same effect by simply leaving the TV and computers OFF and by turning off or ignoring all phones.
Of course, one actually has to exercise some self-control in doing so (too 'anal'for moderns, perhaps?).
And I guess one would have no excuse for being unavailable to one's boss, colleagues, partner or children.
O tempora, o mores!

New words. 2013.