
A diet that a bride uses to lose weight before her wedding day. [Bridal + diet.]
Example Citations:
Magazines have taken to publishing before and after shots of "painfully thin Kate", calling her "Queen of diets" and "Slimline Kate", and speculating on the "briet", or bridal diet.
—Miranda Devine, " Weight off their minds: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/opinion/weight-off-their-minds/story-e6frezz0-1226043761970," The Sunday Telegraph April 24, 2011
But as Ms Middleton's private life has become as much a part of our quotidian as breakfast, it is her weight that is perhaps attracting the most attention. Her supposed eating plan has even coined a new vernacular term — the "briet", or bridal diet.
—Harriet Walker, " A taste of royal things to come? Fat police on case of bride-to-be's figure: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/a-taste-of-royal-things-to-come-fat-police-on-case-of-bridetobes-figure-2267531.html," The Independent, April 14, 2011
Earliest Citation:
As many new brides find themselves, I am now beginning to embark on the dark path of bridal weight loss.
—Annabell, " Briet — Bridal Diet: http://huberwedding.blogspot.com/2009/07/briet-bridal-diet.html," Anne's Bridal Blog, July 20, 2009
Notes: Related Words:
bet dieting
destination wedding
diet cop
sponsored wedding
Webcast wedding
Food and Drink
Health and Fitness
Marriage and Relationships

New words. 2013.