
A news article that consists of a chart or similar graphic with a small amount of explanatory text. [Blend of chart and article.]
Example Citations:
The pugilist was one Henry Allen, a renowned writer and an editor with the Style section. On the other end of Allen's ire (something between a clenched fist and a slap, say eyewitnesses) was Style writer Manuel Roig-Franzia, co-author of a "charticle" (an appetizer-sized combination of words, images and graphics) that Allen called the second-worst story he'd seen in 43 years.
—Kathleen Parker, " A spark of passion in the newsroom: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/06/AR2009110603074.html," The Washington Post, November 8, 2009
Although both magazines were about food, Gourmet was more high-end, aspirational, and literary. Bon Appétit was utilitarian, serving readers one brow level down from Gourmet. But over time, the differences between the two magazines grew so faint that Gawker asked in March, "Why does Condé need both?" An August charticle in a Wall Street Journal blog detailed the redundancies.
—Jack Shafer, " How Condé Nast Is Like General Motors: http://www.slate.com/id/2231177/," Slate Magazine, October 5, 2009
Earliest Citation:
It's hard to show the whole picture on our chart...But state and local governments do increasingly raise revenue from the direct taxation of income.
—Peter Brimelow, "Charticle: The reason why," Forbes, August 26, 1996
The original charticles were put together by writer Peter Brimelow and researcher Edwin S. Rubenstein in Forbes magazine. They first appeared in the September 1996 issue and continued until November, 2001. Here's an example: http://www.forbes.com/legacy/forbes/2001/0528/094chart1_chart.shtml.
Related Words:
Media and Journalism

New words. 2013.