
взять с бою
1. mil [subj: collect or human (pi)]
to capture the opponent's fortifications, territory etc by means of battle:
- X-ы взяли с бою Y Xs took Y by force <by storm>.
     ♦ Жители, издали завидев приближающееся войско, разбежались... и окопались в неприступной позиции. Пришлось брать с бою эту позицию... (Салтыков-Щедрин 1). The residents, having seen the troops approaching, had scattered...and entrenched themselves in an inaccessible position. The position would have to be taken by force... (1a). On seeing the approaching soldiers, the inhabitants had fled...entrenching themselves in an impregnable position. This position would have to be taken by storm (1b).
2. [subj: human]
to obtain sth. by expending great effort, acting very resolutely:
- X берёт Y с бою{{}} X fights (tooth and nail) for Y;
- X sweats for Y;
- X goes all out for Y;
- X goes to great pains <lengths> to get Y.
     ♦ [author's usage] ...Другой крупы в тот год нельзя было купить в Торфопродукте, да и ячневую-то с бою... (Солженицын 6). ...No other grain could be bought in Torfoprodukt that year, and even the barley you had to fight for... (6a).

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.