
как был
КАК <B ЧЕМ> БЫЛ coll
[subord clause; past only; fixed WO]
without having or being given a chance to change clothes:
- (Just) as one was;
- in what one had on <was wearing>.
     ♦ Войдя к себе, он бросился на диван, так, как был (Достоевский 3). Entering his room, he threw himself on his couch as he was (3a).
     ♦ Разбудили нас Чудаков и Евдощук. Они, как были, в шапках и тулупах, грохотали сапогами по настилу, вытаскивали свои чемоданы и орали: "Подъём!" (Аксёнов 1). Chudakov and Yevdoshchuk woke us up. Just as they were, in their hats and sheepskins, their boots clumping on the floorboards, they pulled out their suitcases and roared: "Rise and shine!" (1a).

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.