1. [subord conj; introduces a compar clause]
⇒ used to convey the hypothetical, provisional nature of a comparison; the var. вроде как may also be used to convey the approximate nature of a comparison:
- as if (though);
- (Just) like.
♦ Кузьма Кузьмич уперся - не пробьешь. Головой кивает, вроде бы сочувствует, а губы поджал - значит, при своем мнении! (Абрамов 1). Kuzma Kuzmich dug in his heels, and nothing would budge him. He nodded his head as if he sympathized, but his lips were pursed, meaning, I'm sticking to my guns! (1a).
2. [Particle]
⇒ used to express doubt or uncertainty as to the reliability of a statement or to tone down, moderate a statement:
- seemingly;
- it seems;
- it would seem;
- [in limited contexts] (s.o. < sth.>) seems (to);
- sort of;
- rather;
- you (one) would think;
- [when the reliability of the source of information is in doubt] supposedly;
- allegedly.
♦ Этот вроде бы не очень грамотный старик знает историю Армении, как биографию соседей по улице (Искандер 5). This seemingly illiterate old man knew the history of Armenia like the biography of a neighbor down the street (5a).
♦ Когда общественной жизни нет... тогда самое время удариться в мистику. Дело вроде бы не совсем советское, но в отличие от, допустим, распространения или хотя бы чтения самиздата, безопасное (Войнович 1). When there is no public life...that's the time to get hooked on mysticism. Not a particularly Soviet thing to do, it would seem, but-unlike, say, distributing or even just reading samizdat - it's safe (1a).
♦ [Кушак:] ...Она [жена] там одна, а я в гости... веселиться... Ведь это... мм... неэтично вроде бы (Вампилов 5). [К.:] ... She's [my wife is] all alone there, and I go out enjoying myself... It's... sort of... unethical (5a). [K.: ]... She's [my wife is] there alone, whereas I'm with friends, having a good time... That's... umm...rather unethical (5b).
♦ Они не виделись больше пяти лет, и вроде бы полагалось обняться... (Аксенов 12). They hadn't seen each other in over five years and, you would think, they should have embraced... (12a).
♦ Мне было бы морально гораздо проще, если бы я думал, что все подонки и негодяи, но здесь вроде бы говорит человек, разделяющий мои взгляды (Войнович 3). It would have been much easier for me morally if I had thought that they were all scum and scoundrels, but here was a man who had supposedly shared my views (3a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.