
свой парень в доску
[NP; often subj-compl with copula (subj: human); usu. this WO (1st var.)]
genuinely close (in convictions, values etc) and trusted, accepted by the group in question:
- one of our (your, their) own;
- one of the gang (the guys etc);
- one of us (you, them, ours, yours, theirs) (all right).
     ♦ Тут мы собутыльники... А за дверями Павильона мы социальные индивиды, устраивающие свои делишки. Тут ты свой в доску парень. А там ты активист. Карьерист, точнее говоря (Зиновьев 1). "We're all drinking companions here. ...But as soon as we get outside the doors of the Pavilion we're social individuals going about our own little affairs. In here you're just one of the lads. Out there you're an activist, or rather a careerist" (1a).
     ♦ Дважды уже мимо Пантелея прошли дружинники... "Боятся, что иностранец", - подумал Пантелей... "Который час, не скажете?" - спросил дружинник. Решили, наконец, выяснить - иностранец или наш. Сейчас он им покажет, что в доску свой, несмотря на длинные волосы и замшевые кеды. "У вас рубля случайно не будет, папаша? - хриплым голосом ответил он вопросом на вопрос. - Душа горит..." Дружина испустила вздох облегчения - свой парень! (Аксёнов 6). [context transl] Twice already a group of vigilantes had walked past Pantelei. ...They're afraid I'm a foreigner, thought Pantelei. ..."What's the time, please?" asked one of the vigilantes. They had finally decided to find out whether he was a foreigner or one of ours. He would now show them that he was one hundred percent Soviet, in spite of his long hair and suede sneakers. "You wouldn't happen to have a ruble to spare, would you, dad?" He answered their question with another question in a hoarse, desperate voice. "My soul's on fire..." The vigilantes gave a sigh of relief-he's one of ours all right! (6a).

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.