
с ног на голову
С НОГ НА ГОЛОВУ ставить, переворачивать что, встать и т.п. coll
[PrepP; Invar; usu. adv; fixed WO]
(in refer, to a state of affairs, s.o.'s understanding of sth. etc) (to present sth., sth. is perceived etc) as being opposite to what it is in reality, (to interpret sth., sth. is interpreted etc) as having a meaning opposite to what was intended:
- (stand (turn) sth.) on its head;
- (stand (turn) sth.) upside down (on its head);
- [in limited contexts](get (have) sth.) all backward;
- (put) the cart before the horse.
     ♦ Всё для Настёны перепуталось, всё сошло со своих мест и встало с ног на голову (Распутин 2). [For Nastyona] everything was mixed up, moved from its place and standing upside down on its head (2a).

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.