[VP; subj: human]
⇒ to control and, often, overprotect s.o., not giving him the freedom to act independently:
- X won't let Y fly on his own;
- X won't let Y become his own person;
- [of a woman dominating her husband, son etc] X has <keeps> Y tied to her apron strings.
♦ Слушай, твоему сыну уже за тридцать, а ты всё его на помочах держишь. Он без тебя шагу ступить не может. Listen, your son is already over thirty, and still you keep him tied to your apron strings. He can't make a move without you.
← "Помочи" are straps used to support a toddler under the arms when he or she is learning to walk.
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.