[VP; subj: human]
⇒ to do sth. as another or others do it, emulate s о.:
- X взял пример с Y-a ≈ X followed Y's example;
- X took (used) Y as an example;
- X took a lesson (his cue) from Y;
- X took a leaf (a page) from (out of) Y's book;
- X took (followed) Y's lead;
- X modeled (patterned) himself after Y;
- [in limited contexts] X followed suit.
♦ "Она [ваша книга] знакомит нас с настоящими героями, с которых хочется брать пример" (Войнович 6). "It [your book] acquaints us with real heroes, whose example we want to follow" (6a).
♦ ...Тут брехня на брехне, все шиворот-навыворот. Егорша передовой... Егорша новый... С Егорши пример надо брать... (Абрамов 1). ...This was one piece of garbage after another, everything turned topsy-turvy. Egorsha the progressive. ...Egorsha the New Man. ...One should take Egorsha as an example... (1a).
♦ "Вон бери пример, здесь старуха одна едет, она за всю жизнь ни разу на своего старика не крикнула. А вы чуть чего - и гавкать" (Распутин 1). "You ought to take a lesson from that old lady in our compartment. She's never yelled at her old man in her life, not once, and you-you start yapping at the slightest excuse" (1a)
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.