
1) система
2) способ; метод
3) сеть
4) строй

to abandon a system — отказываться от системы

to alter the system — изменять систему

to apply the trusteeship system to territories — распространять систему опеки на территории

to choose its own economic system — выбирать свою собственную экономическую систему

to consolidate the system — укреплять систему

to deploy a system — размещать / разворачивать систему (напр. обороны)

to destroy the system — разрушать систему

to develop an antiballistic missile system — разрабатывать систему ПРО (противоракетной обороны)

to discard the system — отказываться от системы

to displace a system — вытеснять систему

to elaborate a new electoral system — разрабатывать новую избирательную систему

to eliminate the system — ликвидировать систему

to establish a system — создавать систему

to expand the system — расширять систему

to formulate a system — разрабатывать / вырабатывать систему

to implement a system — внедрять систему

to improve system — улучшать систему

to introduce a multiparty system — вводить многопартийную систему

to join in the political system of a country — становиться членом политической системы страны

to maintain the system — поддерживать систему

to make a breach in the system — пробивать брешь в системе

to merge one's monetary systems — объединять свои валютные системы

to move faster towards a market system — быстрее двигаться к рыночной экономике

to overhaul / to reform a country's political system — перестраивать политическую систему страны

to phase the new system in gradually — постепенно вводить новую систему

to place under the trusteeship system — учреждать опеку

to reshape the banking system — преобразовывать банковскую систему

to revamp the electoral system — пересматривать систему выборов

to set up a system — создавать / учреждать систему

to shatter the system — разрушать систему

to strengthen the system — укреплять систему

to support the development of health systems — поддерживать развитие систем здравоохранения

to undermine a democratic system — подрывать демократическую систему

to weaken the system — ослаблять систему

- ABM system
- abolition of the system
- accounting system
- administrative system
- advanced system
- advantages of the system
- air-based system
- aircraft telecommunications system
- antagonistic systems
- anti-ballistic missile system
- anti-missile defense system
- anti-missile space defense system
- anti-satellite systems
- ASAT systems
- authoritative system
- automated management systems
- automated system
- automatic control system
- automatic data processing system
- banking system
- bipartisan system
- biparty system
- bonus system
- break-up of the system
- British entry into the European Monetary System
- bureaucrat system
- capitalist economic system
- capitalist system
- career development system
- centrally planned system
- clan system
- classified national defense system
- collapse of the system
- collective security system
- communal system
- communications system
- competitive price system
- complex system
- comprehensive system
- compulsory purchase system
- computer system
- constitutional system
- contract system
- control system
- conventional system
- country programming system
- credit and banking system
- credit system
- crisis of the system
- cultural system
- currently-operating system
- decentralized system
- defense system
- deficiency of the system
- delivery system
- democratic political systems
- deterrent system
- different social systems
- disintegration of the system
- distribution system
- dynamic international system
- early warning system
- ecological system
- economic system
- educational system
- effective system
- efficient system
- election system
- electoral system
- electronic system
- European Monetary System
- exploitation system
- exploiting system
- fair system
- family-planning system
- federal grant system
- finance and credit system
- financial system
- first-past-the-post voting system
- forecasting system
- formation of the system
- free enterprise system
- free market system
- generalized system of preferences
- global system
- grid system
- ground-based system
- health care system
- health system
- historically established system
- home security system
- immunity system
- industrial system
- inequitable system
- information system
- institutional system
- integrated system
- intelligence system
- International Nuclear Information System
- international system
- International Trusteeship System
- irrigation system
- job-by-job system of payment
- judicial system
- land tenure system
- land-based antiballistic missile system
- legal system
- liberalization of the political system
- life-support system
- majority system
- management system
- managerial system
- mandate system
- mandatory system
- market system
- mayor-council system
- merit system
- metric system
- missile and satellite detection system
- missile delivery system
- misuse of the judicial system for political purposes
- monarchical system
- monetary and credit system
- monetary system
- monitoring system
- monopolistic system
- motor-road and railway system
- multifaceted system
- multilateral payments system
- multiparty system
- mutually-acceptable system
- national accounting and control system
- national defense system
- new arms systems
- noncapitalist system
- obsolete social system
- old system
- one-man-one-vote system
- one-member-one-vote system
- one-party system
- opposing social systems
- optimum system
- outmoded system
- overhaul of the tax system
- parliamentary system
- party system
- payments system
- pension system
- people's democratic system
- philosophical system
- planning system
- political system
- post adjustment system
- power system
- preferential system
- premium system
- presidential system
- price system
- private enterprise system
- program budgeting system
- proportional representation system
- public pension system
- records system
- regimented political system
- remnants of the system
- reports system
- republican system
- ruling system
- safeguards system
- satellite-tracking system
- sea-based system
- security system
- social security system
- social system
- socio-economic system
- socio-political system
- space defense system
- space weapons systems
- space-based system
- spoils system
- stability system
- stable system
- state political system
- state system
- state-managed social security system
- strategic nuclear-weapon systems
- submarine-based system
- supply system
- system of collective security
- system of exploitation
- system of geographical distribution
- system of government and public organizations
- system of government
- tariff system
- taxation system
- technologically advanced weapons systems
- territorial system
- training system
- transition to a multiparty system
- tribal system
- trusteeship system
- two-party system
- united economic system
- visa system
- voting system
- wage system
- world system
- world trading system

Politics english-russian dictionary. 2013.