
Кто сильнее, тот и правее
Не who is powerful can prove that he is right. See Где сила, там и власть (Г), Кто едет, тот и правит (K)
Var.: Чья сторона сильнее, та и правее
Cf: Accusation is proof when malice and power sit in judge (Am.). Accusing is proving where malice and force sit judges (Br.). Might beats (knows no) right (Am.). Might goes before (is) right (Br.). Might makes (overcomes) right (Am., Br.). The right is with the strongest (Br.). When the foxes pack the jury box, the chicken is always found guilty as accused (Am.). Where force prevails, right perishes (Am.). The wolf finds a reason for taking the lamb (Br.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.