
Нужны дела, а не слова
Words are of no value, it is actions that are needed. See Меньше говори, да больше делай (M), На одних словах далеко не уедешь (H), Не верь словам, а верь делам (H), Не по словам судят, а по делам (H), От одних слов толку мало (O), Слово делом красно (C)
Cf: Actions are mightier than words (Br.). Actions, not words (Am.). Actions speak louder than words (Am., Br.). Brag is a good dog, but Holdfast is better (Br.). Deeds are fruits, words are /but/ leaves (Am.). Deeds, not words (Am., Br.). Deeds will show themselves, and words will pass away (Br.). Doing is better than saying (Am., Br.). Fine words without deeds go not far (Br.). Good acts are better than good intentions (Br.). /It is/ better to do well than to say well (Br.). Old brag is a good dog, but hold fast is a better one (Am.). Promise little but do much (Am., Br.). Say well and do well end with one letter; say well is good, but do well is better (Br.). "Say well" is good, but "do well" is better (Am.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.